Friday, January 2, 2009


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-Black tattered plastic catsuit only covering the areas that are need to be covered.

After they exit the stage, the lights come off and the big screen shows a shadow of a ballerina dancing to a very slow jewelry box tune.

  • Kill The Lights-Then a big joker in a box opens up and in a spooky way utters "We interrupt this program..." Black Ballerinas then appear on stage with a hot choreography surrounding Britney. Lighting Effects take place here as they kill the lights and Britney starts to appear in different parts of the stage.
  • Piece of Me (darkchild remix) - made more danceable with lots of choreography as Britney beginnings and up to now flashes on the big screen. In one point she stands in a pedestal surrounded by huge number of lights flashing.
  • Me Against The Music - They stick to the old tight choreography.
  • Britney exits.

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