Friday, January 2, 2009


(click to view full image)

-A customized magician hat with jewels and feathers
-Tight black boots and black stripe stockings
-Dazzling midnight blue cape with metal paddings (very spacey looking)
- Soft Lighter shade of Maroon fabric with a skinny swarovski belt and dark maroon fabric for the bottom part of the one piece outfit over-topped with black lace.

After the short video of the Onyx Gem being stolen by Ninjas, Britney then makes her grand entrance through a big circus train with massive posters and cages. and what better way to start the show than to "Break the Ice".

(intro of if you seek Amy but made circus-y plays as dancers come out from the circus train while a Britney silhouette appears on one part of the train while she prepares.)
  • Break The Ice - the big twist is the silhouette is not her. As the music starts to play and as stage pyro-techniques fascinates the crowd, Britney, together with some dancers, comes down from the top of the stage through harnesses ans she lands down to a big circus podium. There are many dance choreography in this song and in one part (the "i like this part" part) the lights come off as circles w fire revolve around Britney and the dancers as they do the dance routine(similar to her oops performance in the VMAs only with fire).
  • Toxic- a slight difference in the choreography but still very similar to the last toxic choreography. In one part Britney is blind folded as she is locked down in a cage and brought up to the top. She only has a couple of seconds to escape and jump. Britney then jumps blindfolded. Lands to ground and dances her way to the end.
  • Mannequin- the song is made far different from the album track. Its more lively, more danceable and very Britney with many stops. Again, tight choreography from Britney as dancers act like puppets on the background.
  • I Got A Plan - plainly dancing.

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