Thursday, January 1, 2009


Following the success of her last tour, The Onyx Hotel, Britney indeed has a lot of things to do. So I came up with the concept of "Sequel of The Onyx Hotel Tour" where the whole concert will still evolve on the whole circus concept but Britney will travel around different CIRCUS Concepts on the hunt for the missing Onyx Gem.

How is the Onyx gem related to the circus? Long ago, behind a successful group of circus performers is a big secret no one must know except them- The Giant Onyx Gem. It was the source of their extraordinary skills and abilities that makes them different from other circus performers.


  • It will all start with a video (of course). The video will show a mission impossible-esque scene of ninjas getting the Giant Onyx Gem from a tent which will lead us to the scene where Britney (the star of the circus) asking us to help them find where the precious Onyx Gem is.
  • A giant circus train with bunch of circus posters and cages will appear on stage where Britney comes out with her crew.
  • 4 songs before costume change
  • (The search starts here!)
  • Another skit from Britney - Them arriving into an unkown dark place - "THE DARK CIRCUS"
  • 3 songs before costume change
  • 1 song before costume change
  • Another skit - arriving in the magical "THE CIRCUS IN CLOUDS"
  • 1 song before costume change
  • 2 songs before costume change
  • Skit- arriving in "CIRCUS DOWN UNDER"
  • 1 song before costume change
  • 2 songs before costume change
  • Skit- Britney and the crews final stop - "THE GREAT CIRCUS"
  • 1 song before costume change
  • 3 songs (add-ons in her costumes in every song) the last song will show heavy fights scenes.
  • Skit- Britney then finds the Onyx Gem.
  • Thunderstorms as the onyx gem appears on stage with Britney (hot! hot!) as she sings the final song.
That's all! individual concepts to follow and performance sequence!

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