Saturday, January 31, 2009


- filled with gems, aqua and cherry colored fabrics and gold chains all over.

The video takes us under water in a century old ship that sunk. The skit will show vintage posters, old rings and a magicians hat leading to a room with a sign "The Original Doll" where a big picture frame of Britney holding a tiger.

Mmm Papi & the Hook-up- As the music plays and smoke fills the whole stage, dancers in rugged but in an edged-out way clothes start to appear on stage. Britney comes down from the top riding a giant anchor in a pirate's hat. She ends in the center as more dancers come out individually from big gold frames. (Heavy Dance Routine).

Slave For You (made shorter) - First part, Britney, together with two other girl dancers, dances in a shark's mouth. She then finishes the routine in a rectangular part of the stage filled with water reaching the ankle.


(sorry for the blurry picture and the fugly drawing)

-Britney wears nothing but long hair extension covering her breast as she sits in a giant shell in fins.

A video skit then shows Britney in the sea hiding from a huge rock as she watches in admiration a circus juggler in the shore. She wants to approach him but then a girl suddenly go towards the guy giving him a kiss.

Then, a poster appears on the last part with "THE CIRCUS PRESENTS: The Singing Mermaid"
Out from Under- The stage dims the lights to blue as acrobats fill the circus stage then in the center of the stage, a giant shell opens with Britney singing Out from Under live!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


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-First part, Britney will wear a flowy white chiffon gown with fully beaded gold and metal beads. (grecian goddess) Then the chiffon comes off leaving her wearing the goldbeaded upper top (exposing the sides) and a white bottom.

Britney exits the stage while "Shattered Glass" song gets a little extension (without Britney's voclas of course) as the audience is treated to acrobatic moves.

Unusual You & Heaven On Earth - Two great songs brought together in one refreshing and spectacular performance. The song starts with Unusual You as Britney wears this light gown as wind blows below her making the gown fly everywhere on stage. While she sings, a mysterious guy appears on the video leaving the audience asking who he really is since the whole face is not exposed (well..well..if Britney did a cameo vid for Madonnas "human nature" it could be possible if to have Justin for this? lolz) As the song switches to "Heaven on Earth" The gown comes off as Britney is pull over to the top through a harness wearing a sexy goddess outfit and at the end of the song, Whiye wings come out and the lgihts will fade out..

Saturday, January 3, 2009


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- The big gown (almost filling the whole stage) is made of different white fabrics. (very heavy) with white feathers,nets and crystals..

As Britney exits the stage. The skit continues as they receive a clue that will lead them to their next destination. The Circus train then flies high to the clouds.

SHATTERED GLASS: The stage is filled with big pieces of shattered glasses as Britney sings in a flamboyant gown as dancers fly high on ropes and acrobats swings from one place to another while some follow Britney. Very Theatrical (very Madonna-ish's Vogue)


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The black leather embossed top with a big bow made of black lace, a tight corset with lace on the bottom.

Britney changes outfit as the big screen shows her entering in a dark room with a dim light focusing on a mystical bed (like the promo picture for onyx hotel).

  • Gimme More- The fun continues in this number as Britney does a quite similar "Breath on Me" Performance. She flirts with a guy and ends up with him in a round bed. The scene heats up as Britney is cuffed down by the guy in the bed. The round bed starts to come up and turns Britney making her sing upside down. She then makes a tight routine with the dark ballerinas proving that this performance si far from her last "Gimme More" fiasco.

Friday, January 2, 2009


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-Black tattered plastic catsuit only covering the areas that are need to be covered.

After they exit the stage, the lights come off and the big screen shows a shadow of a ballerina dancing to a very slow jewelry box tune.

  • Kill The Lights-Then a big joker in a box opens up and in a spooky way utters "We interrupt this program..." Black Ballerinas then appear on stage with a hot choreography surrounding Britney. Lighting Effects take place here as they kill the lights and Britney starts to appear in different parts of the stage.
  • Piece of Me (darkchild remix) - made more danceable with lots of choreography as Britney beginnings and up to now flashes on the big screen. In one point she stands in a pedestal surrounded by huge number of lights flashing.
  • Me Against The Music - They stick to the old tight choreography.
  • Britney exits.


-Britney again in a black silverdusted magicians hat with black feathers
-tight leather boots, black leather handbands and a whip
- her one-piece outfits consists of black crytstals emerging from the center of a real black diamond brouch and black strands of beads and sequins falling. Very showgirl-esque.

As Britney exits the stage for costume stage, As the search for the onyx gem continues a short skit of her entering The Dark Circus where everything is hot and steamy and where lace and leather is the dress code. In the short video. we'll see pale skinned freaks in tight leathers, curly hairs and dark black make-up, huge trees with no leaves at all, wolves laying everywhere and black flowers. As they enter the dark circus with fear, Britney walks into a cobweb and is trapped by it.

BOMT, OIDIA and CRAZY (LACE AND LEATHER REMIX) - This hot number starts with Britney singing to BOMT trapped in a cobweb. She dances with her whip and they all clear up the stage as they exit individually riding black planets (differ in sizes)


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-A customized magician hat with jewels and feathers
-Tight black boots and black stripe stockings
-Dazzling midnight blue cape with metal paddings (very spacey looking)
- Soft Lighter shade of Maroon fabric with a skinny swarovski belt and dark maroon fabric for the bottom part of the one piece outfit over-topped with black lace.

After the short video of the Onyx Gem being stolen by Ninjas, Britney then makes her grand entrance through a big circus train with massive posters and cages. and what better way to start the show than to "Break the Ice".

(intro of if you seek Amy but made circus-y plays as dancers come out from the circus train while a Britney silhouette appears on one part of the train while she prepares.)
  • Break The Ice - the big twist is the silhouette is not her. As the music starts to play and as stage pyro-techniques fascinates the crowd, Britney, together with some dancers, comes down from the top of the stage through harnesses ans she lands down to a big circus podium. There are many dance choreography in this song and in one part (the "i like this part" part) the lights come off as circles w fire revolve around Britney and the dancers as they do the dance routine(similar to her oops performance in the VMAs only with fire).
  • Toxic- a slight difference in the choreography but still very similar to the last toxic choreography. In one part Britney is blind folded as she is locked down in a cage and brought up to the top. She only has a couple of seconds to escape and jump. Britney then jumps blindfolded. Lands to ground and dances her way to the end.
  • Mannequin- the song is made far different from the album track. Its more lively, more danceable and very Britney with many stops. Again, tight choreography from Britney as dancers act like puppets on the background.
  • I Got A Plan - plainly dancing.


  1. Break The Ice
  2. Toxic
  3. Piece of Me
  4. I got A Plan (get naked)
  5. Baby One More Time, Crazy and Oops I did it Again (lace and leather remix)
  6. Kill The Lights
  7. Piece of Me (darkchild remix)
  8. Me Against The mUsic
  9. Gimme More
  10. Shattered Glass
  11. Unusual You & Heaven On Earth
  12. Out from Under
  13. Mmm Papi & The Hook Up
  14. Slave 4 U
  15. Breath On Me
  16. My Baby
  17. Womanizer
  18. Circus
Out of the 17 Tracks, Britney will change costumes 12 times (not final yet!) Costumes and individual concepts to follow. Poor Quality Images though, I NEED A CAMERA!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Following the success of her last tour, The Onyx Hotel, Britney indeed has a lot of things to do. So I came up with the concept of "Sequel of The Onyx Hotel Tour" where the whole concert will still evolve on the whole circus concept but Britney will travel around different CIRCUS Concepts on the hunt for the missing Onyx Gem.

How is the Onyx gem related to the circus? Long ago, behind a successful group of circus performers is a big secret no one must know except them- The Giant Onyx Gem. It was the source of their extraordinary skills and abilities that makes them different from other circus performers.


  • It will all start with a video (of course). The video will show a mission impossible-esque scene of ninjas getting the Giant Onyx Gem from a tent which will lead us to the scene where Britney (the star of the circus) asking us to help them find where the precious Onyx Gem is.
  • A giant circus train with bunch of circus posters and cages will appear on stage where Britney comes out with her crew.
  • 4 songs before costume change
  • (The search starts here!)
  • Another skit from Britney - Them arriving into an unkown dark place - "THE DARK CIRCUS"
  • 3 songs before costume change
  • 1 song before costume change
  • Another skit - arriving in the magical "THE CIRCUS IN CLOUDS"
  • 1 song before costume change
  • 2 songs before costume change
  • Skit- arriving in "CIRCUS DOWN UNDER"
  • 1 song before costume change
  • 2 songs before costume change
  • Skit- Britney and the crews final stop - "THE GREAT CIRCUS"
  • 1 song before costume change
  • 3 songs (add-ons in her costumes in every song) the last song will show heavy fights scenes.
  • Skit- Britney then finds the Onyx Gem.
  • Thunderstorms as the onyx gem appears on stage with Britney (hot! hot!) as she sings the final song.
That's all! individual concepts to follow and performance sequence!