Sunday, February 1, 2009


The video the shows Britney going towards the Onyx Gem but then she stops as she sees the ninja taking off her mask and underneath it was a black-haired Britney. GREAT FIGHTING SCENE until it ends wen the Onyx hotel traps both girls inside it. Then a voice said "The only way to unlock the circus princess is to call her name.." (obviously during this part the crowd will repeatedly call Britney out)

Then the spotlight focuses on the center as smokes come out from the floor and the giant Onyx Gem appears on stage with an ala-Gregorian chant intro and with the indoor Thunder.

Britney then comes out wearing only a customized black steel suit with chains on the side. She also wears the same necklace she wore in the circus music video.

Then CIRCUS starts to play as she covers up with this circus inspired coat.

She walks with her dancers in the part towards the first chorus in a small runway where in every step she makes, a firework blows.

During the chorus she stands at the tip of the runway as it moves away from the stage elevating. making it a spaceship-like object with Britney and her dancers in it above the crowd with rain below it. HEAVY CHOREOGRAPHY

It then comes back to the stage with all the circus performers present, the tall juggler, the acrobats, the animals etc..

She dances the magnificent "dance-off" part as the stage turns red and rings of fire fly all over and fireworks on the stage.

The lights come back with great explosions as she dances the last chorus and during the last beat a mea fireworks fill the whole stage as the lights come off.. after 5 seconds the lgihts come back with no one on stage but a sign saying "YOU ARE NOW LEAVING THE CIRCUS"

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